

Help bring awareness to the seriousness of the drug epidemic. There are a multitude of ways you can make a difference :

EQUIP yourself with as much information as possible about substance abuse, and identify the most important issues to you. The more you know, the better ability you will have to speak about it in a specific manner.

Helpful Links:

RESEARCH members of Congress who serve on committees related to substance abuse and addiction and are proponents of your key issues. Research legislation introduced by those committees to find out if they have been passed into law. 

Helpful Links:

Official Website for Congressional Legislation:

Official U.S. Senate Caucus:

REQUEST an in person meeting with your Congressman and/or Senators in your state to discuss the specific issues you are advocating for, and inquire about their specific agenda regarding those issues.

USE your social media platform to spread awareness.

ATTEND public events, town hall meetings and hearings with your local state legislators. 

VOLUNTEER your time with organizations that align with your interests.